Wednesday, August 4, 2010


One Sunday morning me and my friend were sitting on a bench talking when one of my other friends came over to us with a camera. "Can I get a picture of you two?" She asked. "Um... I guess." I started to answer when my other friend cut in with a blunt "No." I was a little confused. "Why not?" I asked him. "Yeah, why not?" my friend repeated. "Because, somehow that picture will end up on facebook and people assume too much." he stated simply. He had a very good point and so with that no picture was taken. However, I had taken a picture of us together quite some time ago and put it on facebook. People started commenting on it with stuff like "Aw, thats so sweet!" or "I knew they would end up together." Needless to say I got rather ticked. 'People do assume too much' I thought as that was the first thing that came to my mind and my thoughts went back to this conversation.

Just to clear things up, we do not like each other. I treat him no differently than I treat any of my other guy friends. I don't see why people half to make up a bunch of crap over something that is so non existent. He doesn't like me. We are friends, and that is that. So I wish people would leave me alone and let me live my life without their constant pushing and their scrutiny as if it's really any of their business to begin with. So that being said, please leave me alone.

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