Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Random Act of Kindness.(Christmas Shoes)

Our family lives in Cleveland and goes to church in Athens. Our mother works up at the church two days of the week and we have church two days of the week so to drive up to the church four days of the week could be expensive, therefore, we spend the night every Sunday and Tuesday night after church and me and my sis Michele are bored all day the next day. Wednesday the pastors son decided to shoot the bow and arrows with us but it was cut short because his brother called and asked him to pick him up. Well, his son invited Michele and I to go with him and so we did. Michele didn't think that she would need her shoes so she left them at the church.

We went to the Athens Hospital where we were supposed to pick up Micah but it turns out that they were not there. They decided to drop Micah and Haven off at Walmart instead. So, John, Michele and I headed to walmart to pick them up there. When we got there John(of course) decided to go inside... Well, Michele had no shoes... I asked John if he had a pair of shoes for her to wear in his car so he popped the trunk and started digging for shoes, he was successful in finding three pairs of shoes, they all required socks, something Michele didn't have. So I gave her my shoes and was going to wear John's since I did have socks. As I was fighting to put on boots that went past my ankles I saw a pair of tennishoes drop on the floor in front of my face at my feet. My brow wrinkled, it hadn't been an accident, "Are you serious?!" I asked uncertain if they were for me. "Yes, I am serious, you may keep them." Said a kind voice from above and slightly behind me. "Your for real?" I asked just to double check. "Yes I am, keep them." She said once more. I hastened to put the shoes on.(I'm not one for getting my socks dirty, it upsets me.) By the time I had finished she had already left to her car. I turned to John who was equally shocked.

"That was mighty kind of her wasn't it?" Said John. "Yes it was... I wish she hadn't walked away so quickly I would have gave her a hug and thanked her propperly..." I said slightly dissapointed that she had left so quickly. "Well," said John "She's in the car over there if you still want to." My face instantly brightened. I turned to the car before running over to it and knocking on the door. When she opened the door she simply smiled. "Thank you so much for the shoes, they fit perfectly and everything!" I said as I gave her a hug. "It's no problem at all, your welcome." She said still smiling as Michele gave her a hug also(btw, she gave us both a pair of shoes kool right?). As she got in her car she didn't look back "Enjoy walmart" She called and then closed the door once more. John went on about how kind it was of her and I simply nodded my head in agreement.

For weeks now I have been talking about how badly I needed a new pair of tennishoes and now I have them. It was great.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

When time slowly slips away and yet it seems a blur...

I spent the night with the Libbeys last night and stayed up till one in the morning(against my will... glory...) and then woke up earlier then I had origionally intended(then again if I didn't wake up when I did I never would have woke up hehehe!). I talked with Esther and then Josh came into the room and started hitting me in the head with a pillow repeatedly saying that it was his job since I don't have any older brothers to pick on me when personally I have more "big brothers" then I want.(or at least they think they are my "big brothers" lol). Then I talked to Esther and Josh a bit then made eggs for me and michele. So that was just the morning. Then Seth and Leah woke up(finally) and we started playing boggle, we actually played this for awhile till like 1:30 and then we stopped in which time I sat on the couch and drew pictures then showed them to Seth who questioned every detail.(it's a picture my goodness just a picture) Well we ended up playing boggle again very shortly after our "quick" break. We played till 3:43 in which time I decided to look at my phone and thought 'oh my gosh! We're going to be late!' Ha yeah right.... When we got to the park no one was there. It seemed like it took forever for Esther, Leah, and Michele to get there and forever more for Hannah, Jessie, and Danika(one of the most awesome girls I know) to show up. We had originally planned to play volleyball while the guys played football but since none of the guys showed up we played soccer. While playing soccer Michele managed to kick my legs out from underneath me and made me fall flat on my butt and it still feels bruised :/...

By the time we finally got home I was sore all over. Normally I go on a bike ride daily but I was soooooo sore! I looked at the dog who was waiting expectantly by his gait waiting to be let out so he could go to the creek with me(btw, when I say bike ride I mean like tough trail rides haha!). I sighed to myself 'what the heck,' I thought 'why not? The poor boy has been confined to his pin all day long so I might as well suffer through a little so he can have some time out of his pin...' I think he knew how tired I was feeling cause come time to put him up he didn't wish to get back in his pin :(. I fought with him for an hour before getting him in there and after an hour long bike ride I'm surprised it didn't take longer. Needless to say I'm tired as all get out. I wonder if I will be able to get out of bed tomorrow... hm.. Guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to find out hehehe!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Okay so I change my blogger like alot lol. The other was to cute and sweet for me(not to say I'm not a cute and sweet person ;) lol) this however is just right(I think) it's black and white and cute and not overly cheery.(which after rereading my blog I have come to realise it was in great contrast to the rest of my blog lol.) So tell me what you think.... please?