dull thinking much? Yeah I know. These thoughts have been running through my head day in and day out for what seems like forever. I had finally opened up to my friend and I felt like crap it only did good to bring me lower. Recently... I don't know it's been pretty much terrible. I have a friend who's been treating me, not exactly badly but not half as well as this friend used to. We have grown distant and I don't like the feeling that I'm losing this friend because this friend is a very good friend... Or was one. I'm not certain of anything anymore I feel like I'm losing it. Last night I had a dream that I was falling... That was it, falling into the darkness I never hit the bottom and I almost wish I had. It was agonising there was nothing around to catch me I was simply being swallowed by loads of darkness it was almost terrifying. Somehow I felt like through this dream was a pitiful reality that this is what is happening to me now. I am falling and no one is there to catch me. These thought's clouded my mind one day and then a sting of pain hit me and I immediately drew away from these thoughts. Of course there is someone out there who care's and I know he loves me! Why else would he have died on the cross to save me and then spend his time to keep me safe every moment of every day?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tear drops on my pillow...
dull thinking much? Yeah I know. These thoughts have been running through my head day in and day out for what seems like forever. I had finally opened up to my friend and I felt like crap it only did good to bring me lower. Recently... I don't know it's been pretty much terrible. I have a friend who's been treating me, not exactly badly but not half as well as this friend used to. We have grown distant and I don't like the feeling that I'm losing this friend because this friend is a very good friend... Or was one. I'm not certain of anything anymore I feel like I'm losing it. Last night I had a dream that I was falling... That was it, falling into the darkness I never hit the bottom and I almost wish I had. It was agonising there was nothing around to catch me I was simply being swallowed by loads of darkness it was almost terrifying. Somehow I felt like through this dream was a pitiful reality that this is what is happening to me now. I am falling and no one is there to catch me. These thought's clouded my mind one day and then a sting of pain hit me and I immediately drew away from these thoughts. Of course there is someone out there who care's and I know he loves me! Why else would he have died on the cross to save me and then spend his time to keep me safe every moment of every day?
Friday, September 18, 2009
My birthday is coming up shortly(ish) so I decided to make a wishlist for anyone who might want any gift ideas.
I know you can't go out and buy happiness gift wrap it and hand it over, but I'm certain you guys can help make me happier(somehow) I can't say it is the cheapest gift and on your account perhaps one of the most expensive. You may not need to use money but it takes time, and acknowledgement, sometimes the patience to listen to me ramble, or simply a hug every now and then.
I didn't think this gift would be to hard since we are all christians here but, sometimes I need to know I'm loved. When I think about it I know I'm loved, but imagine how great it would be to know your loved without having to break it down to "I must be loved because of such and such" I would rather be able to think "I know I'm loved because they love me"
This is asking a great deal. I am one of those people that, without patience, are hard to be around or tollerate so to ask this of you is asking alot. This is another "expensive" gift lol. Patience would probably be beneficial to more then one person however. You see when you are patient towards me it gives me the chance to get to know you as well as you me and through that I might acquire a better relationship with you as my friend so tada!
To know I'm special(or feel it)
I guess the only way I can "know" I'm special is to believe it with all my heart even if someone told me I was special I wouldn't be able to feel it unless I believe'd it, but you can help me believe it if you make me feel it enough. I'm not saying, "Follow me around and tell me how great I am" or(to a guy) "Act like your in love with me cause if you do I will feel special through the thought that someone is in love with me" I'm just saying that well. Through friendship you could make me feel special just by being there for me or caring for me or even just hanging out with me and being well, a friend.
A notebook
I can't say that there is some deep meaning to this I just want a notebook lol. Not one that's like a regular writing pad but a notebook smallish and cute hehehe!
A few good pensI'm almost certain that Jessie can relate to this since she writes alot, but you know those pens with crappy ink or the ones that seem to dry up to quickly? I would like a few pens that aren't like that, I don't like gel pens but something where the ink will come out and not be overly blotchy I just hate that it really hinders(?) my writing.
To be included
Sad as the case is I don't always feel included even around my friends. I just want someone to at least try to include me or, though I would prefer them to not fake it, pretend to care. Sometimes this is just how I feel, upseting though it may be. If you have read my earlier blog then you should know that I feel like the outcast at times(and for good reason might I add?) and the feeling hurts believe it or not, I don't like this feeling at all, I hate it actually and I want more then anything to get away from it. I would like help on this matter I would like to feel included, this probably won't happen but it's still something I "wish" for.
A trust worthy friend.Trust... It doesn't come easy for me because the moment I trust someone I become closer to them and it pains me that much more when they are torn away from me by fate, however, a friend you can trust is always something that's good to have. I want a friend that I can talk to anything about and them not automatically tell me how stupid I am for my thoughts(I have enough people tell me that, including myself) before trying to see it through my point of veiw it hurts to be prosecuted before a just trial(this makes sense right?).
Last and most important "Candy!"
So I would definitely say this is the most important thing on my wishlist I love candy so much, I'm considered a "sugarholic" by some people but what can I do? Please don't everyone get me candy cause I'll get overly happy and scarf it down till I'm sick so yeah that's not good :P!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Random much?...
Sunday night the youth went to McDonald's after night service. I ended up riding with John-mark, Haven, and Michele. Me and John started our own conversation(since we were in the front seats and had no clue what Haven and Michele were talking about) John looked over to me(we were talking about our friend) and said "You know she isn't going to be able to come around as much as she normally does so we need to be really nice to her okay?" I nodded my head and told him that I was always nice to her because she is my friend and I love her. "She's the first one who talked to me at this church and introduced herself to me with Rachel. She was also the first to get me a gift for my birthday... Actually, she was the only one to, including the members of my family. She is so sweet!" I told him. "I didn't know all of that." He told me.
Even as we talked about it I realized just how much our friendship meant to me, and not only the friendship but how much all of my friends mean to me. I was so used to the people at our old church, I had been around them for over ten years, and then all of a sudden they were gone and I had no one. We changed the church we went to and everything was completely alien to me(the fact that there was a certain person who liked to stay quite and stare at people didn't help). The fact that just one person had came up to me and said hello(awkward as it was) made me happy that these people weren't so strange and that I didn't have to be scared about making friends.
I had never before been in a youth group so large but because one person worked up the courage to say something to me I had confidence to say something back. The very next week someone else invited us to go on a camping trip with them. So yeah friends are pretty dang important to me. So despite whatever I have said(or might say) I want you all to know that I love you very much. There might be some other stuff on this same blog later on that might make you think otherwise but remember I love you and I'm just weird ;)
This might be one of those parts that I told you about that might make you have second thoughts as to whether I love you guys or not, remember despite what I say I love you all these are just thoughts that have come to me recently.
I have been called by many names since the day I was born. Sharry- just about everyone I know calls me this, Pocahontas- I'm called this very randomly and normally only when wearing braids(it's not my fault I am part native American it is my ancestors), Scary Sharry-normally only Michele when she is in a bad or playful mood but I was actually called this by Josh just Sunday so it is coming back to me now, Elizabeth- My mom and grandma like to call me by one of my middle names sometimes, but to me I am sometimes titled as 2nd favorite(in comparison to my sister) or the outcast. I'm not always thinking of myself as these things so don't get worried that I'm majorly hating myself :P In fact it has become quite common and nowadays it honestly doesn't bother me much. Still, when I remember all the times I have been left out or shunned I can't honestly say it doesn't hurt.
Recently(in fact it was this month) we had been informed that the entire youth group had went to a restaurant in Cleveland where we live. You have to understand that we live in Cleveland and every single one of our friends live in, where else, Athens, we have to drive forty-five minutes to an hour just to hang out with them and the rare times they come to Cleveland they don't even invite us. That's right they all get together come where we live and don't bother letting us know... XP! Sure I can understand, they've known each other for years so they want to hang out together cause they are all good friends, and me and my sis are, well... just friends. But that is because they hardly give us the chance to become "good friends" see where I'm coming from? That is why it gets on my nerves. It would be a different story if we were the outcast because they knew us and didn't like us(it would still be upsetting but a different story nonetheless), but they don't even know us, nor have they tried to get to know us and they shun us anyways. *sighs* Honestly I can't even get in on a conversation around them... But that to is another story and it will have to wait until later. Again, I love you all but I do wish you would include us more and get to know us before deciding to push us away, okay? I'm sure you can understand(I think?)...
This is that other story. You know how I can't get in on a conversation with them? Trust me it's not because I haven't tried. I have, I don't think I've ever tried so hard to get in on a conversation with them either and it's not because we don't have anything in common. There are only a handful of them that I have been able to talk to and that is only when it's a few people at a time. One time it was just me and one other person. I said hi, and he said hello and then we had a conversation and then while we were talking he turns around and walks off.... HOW STUPID! It was the most insulting thing on earth, I don't think I've ever looked at him the same way since. It got on my nerves and under my skin and still does and what's hilarious is that he calls himself my big brother... No... My big brother would listen to me when I spoke(believe it or not... probably not since no one does) I know because I have had a "big brother" at one time and he actually was one. Whatever, now I'm all caught up on the fact that he calls me his little sister... blah. Point is, how are we supposed to become friends if we don't talk? I can't think of one time in the past year that I have had a conversation that actually lasted with more then one person. In a whole year! I don't think anyone of my "friends" knows more about me then maybe, maybe, my favorite color!... Well... If I don't get off this subject I will have people hating me and thinking I hate them.. I don't want that...
Big Brother...
Okay so yeah, I bet a lot of you are wondering who this "big brother" I spoke of earlier is/was. So I will just start from the beginning.
I started working with my dad a two or three years ago. One summer he got an employee named David... That's right David I've talked about him more then once, if you were listening(yes that was a joke a little bit of humor). I became "attatched" so to speak. He was my best friend more actually he was my "big brother" I don't think I had hugged people outside of my family very often until after he came along. It was him who turned me into the annoying "hugger" that I am now. We talked all the time it's actually rather hillarious that we were such good friends he was afterall ten years older then me. I remember the first time we talked, he was the first to say something "Hi, I'm David" "Hi David, I'm working." Yeah how sweet... I wasn't to sweet back then but I couldn't help how sour I was towards him. I had recently "lost" quite a few of my friends(no they didn't die) but, I knew quite matter of factly that I would never see them again. I didn't want to go through that again but he was ever so persistant.
Finally he managed to get through to me as an aquaintance, we talked. No one had ever tried so hard to get me to call him my friend or to make me happy when I was sad. He told me all the time "You can pretend all you want but one day, you are going to call me friend." He was right, shell says "He was always so good at that "predicting" stuff", so he became my friend, apparently that wasn't enough for him and now he said "You are a little sister to me and one day I will be a big brother to you." This was also right. We became such good friends that when he killed my scorpion it didn't matter! Even though I had always wanted one, finally got one and then he killed it in same day(btw this was all accidental) it didn't matter to me. We were so close people actually thought we were related awesome right?! No wonder he was so important to me. It might seem selfish, but, I didn't want him to become friends with my sis... I know shame on me. I just knew that once they became friends I would become the 'outcast' yes it's back to that. This is where that "feeling" came from(have you noticed I use a lot of these "" yet? hahaha! It's so much fun!). Every friend I had in the past were great friends to me.. Until they met her. Sad really but I didn't seem so important afterwards.
Then, it happened. They met and became friends. Suddenly I had somehow appeared on the outside looking in on what friendship used to be mine. I had, once again, lost a friend but he had been more, I had lost my brother, and cruel as fate was, to my sister(omg it's starting to sound like a love triangle BLECH! Trust me it was not like that). I don't hate my sister I thought I would make that clear now lol. Anyways, I had always been(will be) second best to my sis no changing it, it just is, maybe because she was born first. When she was thing 1 I was thing 2 is this making sense? So yes it hurt that he started ignoring me, that I wasn't as important, that my own sister no longer spoke to me as much as she once did, that every single time they had a discussion I was left out. There was no longer room for me in this friendship I understand it now but I wish I had then, but that's not the point. He didn't have a home other then his car at the time, and so mom let him stay on our couch. Yay, he moved in... not. Now I was left out of every discussion in the house that I lived in. This was the time that animals and nature became such a great part of my life, I would take walks in our woods and clear my thoughts(there was nothing else to do). Well, I can't say it wasn't sometimes fun to have him in the house. We had some good times and some bad times then he moved into the yellow house on our property and one day. He left. That was it... Just gone. I haven't seen him since and that was the end of it. So that's what happened and now I sometimes wonder if I love him or hate him. So there.
This bit is going to be blunt... Really blunt actually, so blunt I can't believe it's coming from me. Now recently everyone is on the topic of hugging to the point it gets on my nerves(I said it was blunt right?). Now I don't want to get anyone upset and I know we all have different veiws, this has to be understood by you guys also or else it just doesn't work out well, but, I DON'T CARE! That's right, a hug is a hug, whether shared between friends, or husbands and wives, or even between boyfriend and girlfriend, it's still a hug. Personally, to me, a hug is a form of showing affection of friendship. It doesn't matter how the hug was(side, two armed, ect.) it's a a hug for goodness sakes get it through your head. In the bible even a kiss was shared between friends and not just friends guy friends(which nowadays is weird and awkward) and now people want me to think that a hug is wrong? Well like I said it's a matter of opinion so yeah. Whatever.
The fun part:
Now this is the fun part where I just share a bunch of randomness that has happened recently(this should be good).
Weird title? Yeah pretty much so here goes the story...
Me and Michele were sitting outside playing phase ten, it was Michele's turn to deal she tends to keep count.
"Uno, Dos, Tres..." Shell continues to count to ten in spanish as she deals the cards.
I was feeling very bored and random and silly... Finally Michele ends.
"Stop pretending like you know Portuguese." - Me.
Michele just stopped and looked up at me. It wasn't long before we were just about rolling on the floor laughing till our lungs burned worse then our abs.
Goofy Goober...Yeah....
We went to the wynns one day and watched a movie with Micah, Haven and John...
When we entered Micah and Haven were playing video games and instantly turned it off.
"We already picked out the best movie ever!" Said Micah very happily. This was quite odd since last time it took like forever to pick out the first one. Haven nodded vigorously and I sat in silence eyeing them suspiciously.
"Okay..." I said very much unsure. 'this ought to be good...' I thought very sarcasticly.
They pressed play as Michele and I took our seats my nightmare came true... Spongebob.... Yeah, I'm not to fond of spongebob I think it's a waist of time(sorry to anyone who watches it). At about the time they started singing the "Goofy Goober Theme Song"(idk if I even spelled that right :/) Micah looked over at me with a big grin on his face, he knows that I'm not exactly... fond of spongebob(to put it delicately).
"Are you enjoying the Movie?" He asked that same smile plain on his face.
"No comment." I said plain and simple glaring at the television.
By the end of the movie Haven and Michele were singing Goofy Goober to the point of making me want to slap them.
To My Readers:
I'm not sure who all reads my blog so I will just say that I love you all, god bless, and remember, despite what I may have said earlier to offend you, it's all a matter of opinion, and I love you all very much.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Thinking about all of this made me realise what my pastor had been preaching about, he had been saying that God doesn't always want us to get excited and shout running around like chickens with their head cut off, sometimes he just wants us to tell him how much we love him and how willing we are to do what he wants us to. We sit here asking him for everything and giving him nothing in return. It's true that nothing amounts to what he's done for us but I bet that us trying puts a smile on his face every time he sees us do it. We think it is unnessecary for us to tell him we love him and that if he asked us to travel one thousand miles away that we would do it without hesitation cause if he is God then surely he already knows that... right? Yes that may be so but I seem to think that he most certainly wants to hear it from you every now and then. I know I do.... I have many people I am close to and I know that they love me through there actions but every now and then I just want to hear them say it... It's just not the same having someone love you as having someone tell you they love you, I bet God feels the same. So just thought I would share ^_^
Friday, September 4, 2009
Clearing up some things.
Okay so what I'm wanting really badly to say is that please don't jump to the conclusion that I'm sad, or angry, (p.s. I don't get depressed for me depression is just a word for "I don't feel like telling you why I'm upset but I know it for myself) I just like to be alone sometimes. Most of the time I'm actually happy, and if I'm outside I'm more then likely admiring nature and trying to get away from the buisiness of life(which is always such a bother). It's not that I don't like hanging out with my friends, and it's not that I'm upset/angry with one or more of my friends I am simply alone, weird I know but it's who I am and you just have to deal with it.